Contact Us
Looking for information on how to contact the Lifesaving Society BC & Yukon? Reach us by phone, email or send us a question through our contact form below. You can also find answers outside of our office hours, 24/7, to our most frequently asked questions, find course information and access valid proof of certification with Find a Member all through our website.
Contact Us Directly
Lifesaving Society National Office and Branches
See below for a list of main numbers and locations of other Canadian branches and our National Office.
National Office
1145 Hunt ClubRoad, Suite 001, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0Y3
Telephone: (613) 746-5694
Email: experts@lifesaving.ca
Website: www.lifesaving.ca
Alberta & Northwest Territories Branch
13123 - 156 Street NW Edmonton, Alberta T5V 1V2
Telephone: (780) 415-1755
Email: experts@lifesaving.org
Website: www.lifesaving.org
British Columbia & Yukon Branch
112 - 3989 Henning Drive Burnaby, BC V6C 6N5
Telephone: (604) 299-5450
Email: info@lifesaving.bc.ca
Website: www.lifesaving.bc.ca
Manitoba Branch
100-383 Provencher Blvd. Winnipeg, Manitoba R2H OG9
Telephone: (204) 956-2124
Email: info@lifesaving.mb.ca
Website: www.lifesaving.mb.ca
New Brunswick Branch
70 Melissa Street Fredericton, New Brunswick E3A 6W1
Telephone: (506) 455-5762
Email: info@lifesavingnb.ca
Website: www.lifesavingnb.ca
Newfoundland & Labrador Branch
11 Austin Street P.O. Box 8065, Station "A" St. John's, Newfoundland A1B 3M9
Email: info@lifesavingnl.ca
Website: www.lifesavingnl.ca
Nova Scotia Branch
5516 Spring Garden Road, 4th Floor Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1G6
Telephone: (902) 425-5450
Email: experts@lifesavingsociety.ns.ca
Website: www.lifesavingsociety.ns.ca
Ontario Branch and Nunavut Branch
400 Consumers Road Toronto, Ontario M2J 1P8
Telephone: (416) 490-8844
Email: experts@lifeguarding.com
Website: www.lifesavingsociety.com
Prince Edward Island Branch
40 Enman Crescent Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1E 1E6
Telephone: (902) 368-7757
Email: info@lifesavingsocietypei.ca
Website: www.lifesavingsocietypei.ca
Quebec Branch
4545 Pierre de Coubertin Avenue Montréal, Quebec H1V 082
Telephone: (514) 252-3100 or 1-800-265-3093
Email: alerte@sauvetage.qc.ca
Website: www.sauvetage.qc.ca
Saskatchewan Branch
2224 Smith Street Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2P4
Telephone: (306) 780-9255
Email: lifesaving@sasktel.net
Website: www.lifesavingsociety.sk.ca