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- Basic Life Support Responder
- Airway Management & Oxygen Administration
- First Aid Instructor/Examiner
- Emergency First Aid with CPR C/AED (Basic)
- EFA Child & Community Care with CPR B/AED (Basic)
- Standard First Aid & CPR C/AED (Intermediate)
- Emergency First Aid with CPR A/AED (Basic)
- Aquatic Emergency Care
- Standard First Aid & CPR C/AED Recert (IFA)
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The Lifesaving Society of BC & Yukon has a variety of funds available along with grants and awards to help research funding, lifeguarding sport competitions and reward members of our community who are making a difference in drowning prevention and our water safety project. For more information on how to apply for funding, application criteria and links to application forms, please read below for specific funds and grants available to members of our community.
George A. Brown Memorial Fund:
Established in 1994 in memory of Branch Governor George A. Brown. Designed to promote youth training in aquatic safety. Medal and $500 presented annually to youth making a heroic rescue.
Learn MoreGeorge A. Brown Memorial Fund
Courage, bravery and quick thinking are often required to rescue a drowning person. Risking one’s own life characterizes many rescues as acts of selfless bravery.
Many of the most tragic drownings involve children too young to swim, or those in the company of others unable to swim or perform a lifesaving rescue. This Fund seeks to foster a family and community approach to aquatic safety. Parents are encouraged to ensure that all family members attain swimming and lifesaving skills to be prepared to save themselves and others in aquatic emergency.
The George A. Brown scholarship and award acknowledge acts of bravery and rescue performed by any pre-teen who lives in British Columbia or Yukon. The fund annually bestows a $500 award and lifesaving program scholarship: the latter being tailored to the needs and ability of the recipient.
In promoting improved aquatic safety for youth, the George A. Brown Memorial Fund also provides grants to help project funding that promote aquatic safety and lifesaving. This element of the fund is open to applications from groups or individuals regardless of age and supports new initiatives in areas such as public education or training, related to youth and aquatic safety projects.
To submit a rescue nomination please click here.
George A. Brown 1937 - 1994
The late George A. Brown was both Branch Governor and Commonwealth Life Member for the Royal Life Saving Society. This memorial fund was established in his honour and helps to continue the work in which he so strongly believed.
To enable the fund to continue bestowing awards, scholarships and grants, the George A. Brown Memorial Fund invites you to support this invaluable work in any way you can. Donations of any size are gratefully received and are acknowledged with a tax receipt. Donations in kind and corporate sponsorship for specific projects are also welcome.
DONATE NOW APPLICATION FORMDerek Laverty Competition Fund:
Established in 2004 in memory of Derek Laverty, Vancouver’s Director of Aquatics for 38 years and a strong supporter of lifeguard competition as enhanced training. Designed to assist in the development of lifesaving sport participants, officials and clubs.
Learn MoreDerek Laverty Competition Fund
The Derek Laverty Competition fund was established in November 2004 in memory of Derek Laverty. Derek Laverty was the former Manager of Aquatics for the City of Vancouver and a strong supporter of lifeguard competition and of the Lifesaving Society of BC & Yukon.
The purpose of this fund is to assist in financing lifeguard competition for competitors, judges, officials, coaches, and hosts. Funding also provides opportunities for those who may not otherwise be able to participate.
Funding Objective:
The purpose of this fund is to assist in defraying the cost of participating in lifeguard competition for competitors, judges, officials, coaches and hosts. The value of lifeguard competition is seen in the increased opportunity for lifeguard training; advancement in lifeguard procedures; contribute to excellence in BC & Yukon lifeguards; enhanced camaraderie and fun among lifeguards and officials; potential for national and international competition. Funding will also provide opportunities for those who may not otherwise be able to participate.
Applicants must be a current or past holder of a Lifesaving Society award issued by the BC & Yukon Branch. Funding requested should represent no more than 50% of the total funding required to participate.
Method of Application:
Applicants must provide the following documentation to qualify for funding:
- Completed application form
- A summary document outlining the need and use of funding
- Budget for the applicant’s participation
- Sources for additional funding
Eligible Uses of Funding:
Funds can be used toward registration fees, travel, equipment, uniforms, accommodation, and food.
Ineligible Uses of Funding:
Funds cannot be used to cover 100% of participant costs, training costs, or retroactive funding.
Application process:
Applications will be accepted at any time and forwarded to the Task Force, however meetings to review funding requests will take place quarterly, at the beginning of each month listed below:
March: application due February 28
June: application due May 31
September: application due August 31
December: application due November 30
All applicants will be notified during the following week of the Committee meeting.
Funding Criteria:
Consideration for funding will include items such as financial need, fundraising involvement, and volunteer involvement in Lifeguard competitions, and with the Branch.
Please complete the following information in order to assist in the review of applications.
Lifeguard Competition Experience
Event And Position
Approximate Costs
Potential Revenue Sources
Volunteer Experience
Please provide a brief overview of your volunteer experience and positions held in lifeguard competition or other aquatic-related groups.
Please Provide Background As To How You Became Involved In Lifeguard Competition And The Benefits Of Your Involvement.
Please complete the following information in order to assist in the review of applications.
Lifeguard Competition -
Please describe the events for which your group is seeking funding.
Event And Position
Position –
What role(s) will the members of your group be filling?
Approximate Costs
Potential Revenue Sources
Volunteer Experience
Please provide a brief overview of some of your group members’ lifeguard competition volunteer experience or volunteer roles with other aquatic-related groups.
Group Members
Group Members Name
AWD. Code
* = this is a 6 digit alphanumeric code found on all Lifesaving Society award cards.
Please Provide Background As To How You Became Involved In Lifeguard Competition And The Benefits Of Your Involvement.
President’s Endowment Fund
Established in 2001. Designed to assist development of water incident related research in support of the Society’s programs and public education goals.
Learn MorePresident’s Endowment Fund
The ‘President's Fund’ was established in 2001 and has grown steadily through donations and fund-raising activities organized by our dedicated Board members. Each year, our funding objective is to grow the fund to a minimum level of $25,000, which enable us to provide continuing annual grants to support aquatic safety research and development in our local communities. Your contribution to the President’s Fund supports our mission to reduce water-related incidents throughout B.C. and the Yukon.
The application can be found below. For more information, please contact the Branch office.
Funding Objective:
To grow the fund to a minimum level of $25,000. This amount will enable us to provide continuing annual grants to support aquatic safety research and development in our local communities. In this way, your contribution to the President’s Fund will become a legacy that continues to advance our ability to reduce water-related incidents throughout B.C. and the Yukon.
Research Topic Title
Description Of The Research Project
Approximate Costs
Potential Revenue Sources
Anticipated Benefits
Provide a brief overview of the benefits that are anticipated to enhance the Society’s program or public education work.
Project Timeline

112-3989 Henning Drive
Burnaby, BC
V5C 6N5
T: 604.299.5450
General inquiries: info@lifesaving.bc.ca
Awards inquiries: awards@lifesaving.bc.ca

112-3989 Henning Drive
Burnaby, British Columbia V5C 6N5
Branch Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30
T: 604.299.5450
General inquiries: info@lifesaving.bc.ca
Awards inquiries: awards@lifesaving.bc.ca
© Lifesaving Society BC / Yukon