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Aquatic Supervisor Instructor


The Aquatic Supervisor Instructor course prepares candidates to teach the Lifesaving Society BC & Yukon Branch's Aquatic Supervisor course.



1. SEE Auditor
2. Lifesaving Instructor or NL Instructor (not current)
3. Aquatic Supervisor
4. Work experience as an Aquatic Supervisor for at least 2 years by resume submission


Aquatic Supervisor Instructor candidates are approved to take this course either through an invitation from the BC & Yukon Branch or by application. To apply, please send your resume and proof of pre-requisites to Melina Sweezey, National Trainer at


Those working as Aquatic Supervisors/Coordinators in remote communities who wish to take the Aquatic Supervisor Instructor course, but have not been able to find an Aquatic Supervisor course in their area may still apply. 


Certification card


No expiry

Aquatic Supervisor Instructor Courses Available

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